You may have expected there to be financial challenges when you decided to divorce. Since you had set aside your career in the early years of your marriage to stay home and raise your children, you knew from the start that you’d be facing a significant lifestyle adjustment once the court finalized your divorce. You’ve been working from home part-time, however, and have every reason to believe you’ll secure a job that provides sustainable income for you and your kids.
In the meantime, you know you’re going to have to scale down and move to a smaller home. If you are hoping the court will grant you full physical custody of your kids, there are several things you’ll want to keep in mind when deciding where to live. Your choices may impact the court’s decisions. It’s also critical that you know how to protect your parental rights if a problem arises during custody proceedings.
What does where you live have to do with custody?
The court makes its decisions regarding your children based on their best interests. No matter how much you may want your kids to live with you, if the judge hearing your case thinks placing your children in your physical custody would somehow be a detriment to their well-being, it is likely that he or she will rule in the other parent’s favor.
What types of factors does the court consider regarding living accommodations?
You would definitely not be the first Colorado parent to have to simplify your lifestyle and scale down your living arrangements following a divorce. However, the court does take lifestyle during marriage into consideration when determining where and with whom your children should live post-divorce. If adjusting new living accommodations will be too difficult, and your ex’s house and neighborhood is more in-line with what your kids are used to, chances are the court may find such an environment more fitting for them.
Other issues bear impact on the court’s decision as well, such as what the crime rate in your new neighborhood happens to be. Also, a judge may require that each of your children have private space within your home, especially if you are not of the same gender.
Protecting your rights
Physical surroundings are certainly not the only factor that influence the court’s child custody decisions. Your opinion as a parent matters as well. If you, at any time, believe someone is trying to undermine your rights as a parent, you can reach out for immediate support to protect those rights and make sure your children’s best interests are a central focus of all child custody proceedings.