If you’re in your 50s, you’re at the tail end of the baby boomer era. Especially regarding issues such as marriage, things have changed a lot since your parents or grandparents’ day. For instance, society expected women to stay home full time and raise a family while their spouses acted as sole providers. This, in fact, is one of many issues that influenced a lot of women to stay in unhappy marriages.
Whether you’re a woman or man, you’ve probably noticed less negative stigma attached to divorce today than there was in decades past. You may also be aware (and living proof) that modern households often contain spouses who earn dual full-time incomes. This issue leads many spouses who are in their 50s to decide to file for divorce. Doing so at that age is definitely not a stress-free task, which is why it’s important to know where to seek support, as needed.
Do you relate to these issues?
Just because you’ve surpassed your 50th birthday doesn’t mean you don’t have any marital problems. The opposite is often true. The rate of divorce among your age group has doubled in the past 20 years. The following list shares ideas that many spouses cite as being influential in their decisions:
- Maybe your kids are grown now and you don’t feel “stuck” at home. You want to focus on your own life goals now, including how to attain a quality of life that makes you most happy.
- People live longer nowadays than they used to in previous centuries. This causes many spouses in their 50s to dread the thought of having to stay in unhappy relationships for 20, 30 or perhaps, even many more years.
- Many Colorado spouses simply feel that they want to spend their senior years focusing on their own goals and happiness and if their partners are not like minded, they’d rather go their separate ways.
Making the decision to divorce in your 50s can definitely spark challenges in your life. Once the court divides your marital assets, you may find it difficult to try to make ends meet, especially if your household income will be significantly less than it was in marriage.
Don’t hesitate to seek support
It’s helpful to speak with people who are well versed in certain issues before you head to court. For instance, if finances are one of your main concerns, you might wish to discuss your portfolio with a financial adviser. If you have friends or family members in their 50s who have gone through divorce, they too, may have some sage advice.
It’s not uncommon for legal problems to arise when spouses file for divorce later in life. Many spouses keep stress to a minimum by relying on experienced family law attorneys for support.