Divorce can be scary, but it may be a lot more worrisome to think about your children after a divorce. You’ll still want to see them, but you may be afraid that your ex-spouse will make that difficult. Perhaps it’s because you and your ex always fought or maybe your parenting styles butted heads.
It’s common to have a ton of questions about a child custody order, especially when your spouse isn’t known for being agreeable.
Here’s what you should know:
#1. How do you discuss a child custody order?
First, you and your spouse will have to submit a child custody plan. In this plan, it may consider where your children go to school, when they see each parent, how holidays are handled and child support. If your ex-spouse is making it difficult to agree on a custody order, then you may need to discuss the order with the court.
#2. How do courts determine who gets custody?
Family law courts keep the best interests of the children in mind, and that, typically, means granting rights to both parents for their children. The court may also evaluate the home situation each parent has to offer, each parent’s ability to care for their children, financial and employment status and, in some cases, the children’s preference. As such, each parent may be awarded equal time and rights to care for their children.
#3. What if you and your ex constantly fight?
Some ex-spouses try to make child custody orders and arrangements as difficult as possible for the other parent. In most cases, parents will agree to a co-parenting agreement and work together. But, if this doesn’t work, parents may need to try other methods, such as a parallel parenting plan.
#4. Should you seek legal help?
If you think it’s going to be difficult to get rights to see and care for your children, then it may be in your best interest to know your legal rights. Failing to prepare every possibility during a child custody order agreement may cause you to lose out on your rights.