Creating a functional co-parenting agreement

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2020 | Family Law |

Getting divorced is the beginning of a new start for many couples in Colorado who have been unable to find solutions to ongoing marital conflicts. While separating may be met with feelings of failure and discouragement at the start, people who do their best to remain optimistic and hopeful may be much more effective at communicating. 

When a couple is able to communicate, they will be better at coordinating beneficial agreements for things such as separation of their assets and determining custody of their children. Child custody agreements, in particular, will require both parties to think carefully about the well-being of their children. 

Deciding child custody 

Creating an arrangement that is functional and will allow the potential for relationships to grow will also require couples to assess their personal needs, schedules, living arrangements and proximity to each other. According to, communication is critical for couples who wish to co-parent together despite the termination of their marriage. Keeping communication brief, cordial and focused on their children, couples should listen to each other and maintain the respect of each other as capable parents. 

Examples of scheduling 

Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of arranging child custody for many couples is deciding on a schedule that allows both parties some flexibility. provides couples with several helpful examples of how they could coordinate a plan including alternating weeks or sub in an overnight stay during the week. They suggest that once a plan has been chosen, families allow each other adequate time to adjust to the new schedule. 

Another suggestion is for couples to articulate their plan in a thoroughly written agreement that will serve as a reference if questions or disagreements arise in the future. If changes in one party’s schedule render the original agreement useless, changes may be made but not without first taking into consideration the input from anyone who will be affected by changes made to the plan. 
