Many people focus heavily on trying to protect their assets when they get divorced. Property division negotiations naturally result in some losses as couples are forced into splitting their marital estates. Along the way, however, people must also find a way to split...
Celebrity Trend Of Nesting Becomes Mainstream
Colorado fans of TV and movies may find themselves following more than the plot line of their favorite series. In fact, it is easy to become invested in the personal lives of celebrities, especially when it comes to their loves and families. Often, choices made by...
Does Social Media Play A Role In The Likelihood Of Divorce?
Colorado readers know that social media permeates many aspects of their lives. From posting a picture of what you had for dinner to reconnecting with old friends from high school, people are on their social media platform of choice for extensive amounts of time....
Hiding Assets In Divorce Is Illegal
When you decided to divorce, you may have thought ahead to various types of issues that could possibly arise to cause stress or delay your settlement. Perhaps there have been ongoing problems between you and your spouse that cause you to worry about certain aspects of...
Multiple Divorces Can Complicate Matters For Colorado Spouses
Jim Belushi has continued entertaining the world long after his actor/comedian brother, John, passed away some 30 years ago due to a lethal drug combination. As many Colorado residents who have lost loved ones can attest, life is never really the same following the...
Modifying Child Custody Orders Is Not Easy
Every divorce is different. You and your spouse may have generously compromised on every issue, or you may have resisted each other to the very end, fighting for your rights in a heated litigation. Even if your divorce was not long and painful, you likely wouldn’t...
Do You Relate To The Issues In Ewan McGregor’s Divorce?
Being married and raising a family in Colorado (or anywhere nowadays) can be a joyful, rewarding experience but also quite challenging at times. If your marriage is one of many where the challenge has proved too strenuous to overcome, you may relate to others...
Would A Colorado Court Agree To Advanced Child Support?
You might have read several recent headline news stories regarding Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein’s unfolding divorce and various other legal actions against him. If you also happen to be preparing for or currently navigating the divorce process, you may find it...
Things To Do And Not Do To Help Your Kids Through Your Divorce
Although many people in Colorado and beyond might say it has its rewards, it’s unlikely you’d find great numbers who also think parenting is easy. As a parent, you undoubtedly have your ups and downs, days when you’re particularly thankful for your family and others...
More Women Are Paying Child Support After A Divorce
Many women worked hard to make sure that those who came after them enjoyed the same opportunities as men. Women entered the work force in numbers and continued to strive for equality in the workplace. Many of them succeeded, and now, young women around the country,...